Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management

Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management image




Edition: 4
Released: Jan 01, 2017
Format: Paperback, 580 pages



Health Care Information Systems is the newest version of the acclaimed text that offers the fundamental knowledge and tools needed to manage information and information resources effectively within a wide variety of health care organizations.

It reviews the major environmental forces that shape the national health information landscape and offers guidance on the implementation, evaluation, and management of health care information systems. It also reviews relevant laws, regulations, and standards and explores the most pressing issues pertinent to senior level managers. It covers:

  • Proven strategies for successfully acquiring and implementing health information systems.
  • Efficient methods for assessing the value of a system.
  • Changes in payment reform initiatives.
  • New information on the role of information systems in managing in population health.
  • A wealth of updated case studies of organizations experiencing management-related system challenges.

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