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DEFOE, DANIELUnknown AuthorSayre, Henry M.Reece, Jane B.MacIonis, John J.Rowling, J. K.Henslin, James M.Langan, JohnFoner, EricMarieb, Elaine N.Simon, Eric J.Daniel, DefoeGaddis, TonyChaucer, GeoffreyShea, Daniel M.SANTROCK, JOHN W.Ramage, John D.Hewitt, Paul G.Green, Joanne ConnorMader, Sylvia S.Bean, John C.Dickey, Jean L.SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAMThomas NelsonPrinceton ReviewBliss, BillKOTLER, PhilipARMSTRONG, GaryThomas Nelson PublishersSerway, Raymond A.HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURTShi, David E.Johnson, JuneMcGraw Hill EducationJohn W. SantrockBrigham, Eugene F.Voit, MarkMolinsky, Steven J.Kleiner, Fred S.Smith, AdamHeining-Boynton, Audrey L.Tignor, RobertAdelman, JeremySchneider, NicholasJohnson-Sheehan, RichardTarbuck, Edward J.Stephen A. RossSlater, JeffreyTindall, George BrownPerez, StephenMartini, Frederic H.Poatsy, Mary AnneBennett, Jeffrey O.Sylvia S. MaderSCHILLER, BRADLEY R.Sheffrin, StevenRoss, Stephen A.Williams, R. HalLutgens, Frederick K.Boyce, William E.