Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management

Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management image




Edition: 3
Released: Jan 01, 2013
Format: Paperback, 700 pages


This most widely used textbook in the field has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect changes in the health care industry and the renewed focus on health care information technology initiatives. Two new chapters cover Federal efforts to enhance quality of patient care through the use of health care information technology and strategy considerations. Additionally, reflecting the increased focus on global health, the book features an international perspective on health care information technology. Case studies of organizations experiencing management-related information system challenges have been updated and several new cases have been added. These reality-based cases are designed to stimulate discussion among students and enable them to apply concepts in the book to real-life scenarios. The book's companion Web site features lecture slides, a test bank, and other materials to enhance students' understanding.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781118173534

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