Undergraduate Writing in Psychology: Learning to Tell the Scientific Story
This third edition features new writing samples, including a full-length literature review and full-length scientific research paper, and new guidance to reflect the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.\nThis accessible, practical guide to undergraduate writing takes the reader step by step through the process of developing research questions or theses, conducting literature searches, analyzing and synthesizing the literature, writing the paper, and more. Students will learn how to analyze and organize ideas for literature reviews, as well as how to prepare each section of a scientific research paper (introduction, method, results, discussion).\nThe chapters are full of advice and resources, including a checklist and self-quiz, a sample grading rubric that an instructor might use, example reference formats, and several before-and-after writing samples showing marked-up changes. Bonus guidance is given for communicating effectively with instructors and preparing conference posters.