Neuroscience - Text and E-Book Package: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation

Neuroscience - Text and E-Book Package: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation image




Edition: 3
Released: Jun 15, 2008
Publisher: Saunders
Format: Paperback, 575 pages


This practical guide to neuroscience focuses on the evidence-based information that is most relevant to the practice of physical rehabilitation. Stories written by real people with neurological disorders, case studies, and lists summarizing key features of neurological disorders help you connect the theory of neuroscience with real-world clinical application.You will also find clear descriptions of a complete range of neurological disorders and the body systems they affect. The logical organization---progressing from the molecular and cellular levels, to systems, and then to regions---also makes complex information easy to master. Special features, plus hundreds of full-color illustrations, also give you quick access to clinically relevant information.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781416068471

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