Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation

Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation image




Edition: 3
Released: Jul 11, 2007
Publisher: Saunders
Format: Paperback, 600 pages


This practical guide focuses on the evidence-based neuroscience information that is most relevant to the practice of physical rehabilitation. It connects the theory of neuroscience with real-world clinical application with such features as: stories written by real people with neurological disorders, case studies, and lists summarizing key features of neurological disorders. It also provides clear descriptions of a complete range of neurological disorders and the body systems they affect. The text progresses logically from the molecular and cellular levels, to systems, and then to regions, to help make complex information easy to master. Special features such as Clinical Notes boxes with "at-a-glance" summaries, Red Flag boxes, and hundreds of full-color illustrations, enhance the learning experience and make it easy for the student and clinician to access clinically relevant information.

  • Includes clear descriptions of a wide range of neurological disorders and the body system they affect to help make complex information easier to master and to provide the framework essential for understanding the nervous system
  • Uses full-color clinical and gross photographs to clarify the spatial relationships among neural structures and show pathological neural changes
  • A color atlas provides gross photographs and scans with accompanying diagrams that label key structures in the brain
  • Numerous tables, flow charts, and boxes highlight essential concepts, processes, and relationships
  • At-a-Glance Disorder boxes outline the pathology, etiology, signs and symptoms, and prognoses of the most common neurological disorders to provide a quick summary of the features of neurological disorders commonly encountered in clinical practice
  • Clinical Notes at the end of the chapter sections provide relevant case studies with questions to demonstrate clinical applications of neuroscience knowledge and challenges the student to apply the information to clinical situations
  • Review Questions at the end of each chapter help students focus on key subject matter from each chapter
  • Actual patient stories set the scene for many chapters to help the student and clinician relate the scientific information to clinical reality
  • A DVD with approximately 40 video clips and animations supports concepts in the text
  • Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter succinctly define the chapter content
  • Red Flags boxes highlight physical and psychological manifestations of neurological disorders
  • Nearly 90 new illustrations have been added to reflect updated research and new topics

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781416025788

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