Loose Leaf for Understanding Biology

Loose Leaf for Understanding Biology image




Edition: 3
Released: Jan 02, 2020
Publisher: McGraw-Hill.
Format: Paperback, 1056 pages
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A concise and engaging biology text for biology majors, Understanding Biology partnered with Connect emphasizes fundamentals concepts to help students better understand biology and focus on developing scientific skills. This approach utilizes the Vision and Change guidelines of Core Concepts and Core Skills while helping students begin the process of becoming a scientist.\nCondensed chapters are centered on a learning path that serves to connect concepts within a chapter. The learning path begins with learning outcomes, which help students understand the core skills and concepts they should develop. Inquiry and Analysis cases help students build scientific skills, while scaffold end of chapter assessment ensures they not only grasp core concepts, but can also critically analyze and apply what they've learned. "Connecting the Concepts," a synthesis feature that ends every part, helps students understand the connections between biological concepts, thus helping them "see" the big picture.

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