Sacred Nature: The Environmental Potential of Religious Naturalism

Sacred Nature: The Environmental Potential of Religious Naturalism image




Author(s): Stone, Jerome A.
Edition: 1
Released: May 23, 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardcover, 166 pages
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Sacred Nature examines the crisis of environmental degradation through the prism of religious naturalism, which seeks rich spiritual engagement in a world without a god. Jerome Stone introduces students to the growing field of religious naturalism, exploring a series of questions about how it addresses the environmental crises, evaluating the merits of public prophetic discourse that uses the language of spirituality. He presents and defends the concept of religious naturalism while drawing out the implications of religious naturalism for addressing some of the major environmental issues facing humans today. This book is designed for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as scholars specializing in contemporary religious thought or environmental studies.

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