Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) (Available Titles CengageNOW)

Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) (Available Titles CengageNOW) image




Edition: 4
Released: Feb 19, 2004
Format: Hardcover, 496 pages


Based on Earl Babbie's best-selling text, THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, this text combines the key strengths of Babbie's text (accessibility; a conversational, "friendly" writing style; and great examples) with Michael G. Maxfield's expertise in criminology and criminal justice for a text that addresses the specific methods used in criminal justice research. The new edition of this market-leader includes changes in its coverage of ethics, causation, validity, and research design, as well as updated coverage and statistics, and expanded examples, especially in the discussion of field research. A running case study on the dropping crime rate in New York City-a study to which co-author Maxfield has close links-further demonstrates the important role of research methods in our evolving understanding of crime and society.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780534615604

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