Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology

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Author(s): Babbie, Earl
Edition: International ed of 6th revised ed
Released: Jul 21, 2010
Format: Paperback, 512 pages


Now even more accessible and student-friendly, the Sixth Edition of the market leading RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY combines the scholarship, accuracy, and conversational tone of Earl Babbie's bestselling THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH with Mike Maxfield's expertise in criminology and criminal justice. Providing the most comprehensive, authoritative introduction to criminal justice research available today, this edition continues its focus on getting students to DO research and is enhanced by new examples, research, applications, and built-in study tools. Throughout the book, Maxfield illustrates the rewards and challenges of research using examples of his own students' research as well as examples from recent published studies.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780495813736

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