Home Cooking: A Writer in the Kitchen: A Memoir and Cookbook (Vintage Contemporaries)

Home Cooking: A Writer in the Kitchen: A Memoir and Cookbook (Vintage Contemporaries) image




Author(s): Colwin, Laurie
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 23, 2010
Publisher: VINTAGE
Format: Paperback, 224 pages
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“As much memoir as cookbook and as much about eating as cooking.” —The New York Times Book Review

Weaving together memories, recipes, and wild tales of years spent in the kitchen, Home Cooking is Laurie Colwin’s manifesto on the joys of sharing food and entertaining. From the humble hotplate of her one-room apartment to the crowded kitchens of bustling parties, Colwin regales us with tales of meals gone both magnificently well and disastrously wrong. Hilarious, personal, and full of Colwin’s hard-won expertise, Home Cooking will speak to the heart of any amateur cook, professional chef, or food lover.

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