Contemporary Issues in Curriculum (3rd Edition)

Contemporary Issues in Curriculum (3rd Edition) image




Edition: 3
Released: Jul 26, 2002
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Format: Paperback, 440 pages
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Balanced, yet eclectic in its approach, Contemporary Issues in Curriculum reflects the emergent trends in the field of curriculum. The third edition of this issues-oriented collection offers 36 articles by the major thinkers in curriculum study. Designed for readers interested in curriculum, instruction, administration, and teacher education, it explores the issues that affect implementation, planning, and evaluation of curriculum at all levels of learning. The editors have organized the collection into six parts: Curriculum and Philosophy, Curriculum and Teaching, Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum and Supervision, and Curriculum and Policy. The readings reflect both traditionally held beliefs and those that are more controversial in nature, giving readers the opportunity to investigate the breadth of issues that affect curriculum and to access such information in a single source. Readers are encouraged to examine and debate these issues, to formulate their own ideas, and to shape what direction the field of curriculum should take. Designed for anyone interested in curriculum, curriculum development, curriculum and instruction, and curriculum issues.

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