Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

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Edition: 4
Released: Jan 01, 2010
Format: Paperback, 516 pages


This best-selling case-based text, Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional, provide tomorrow's teachers with a deeper understanding of and better preparation for the teaching profession by weaving in three themes central to teaching today–professionalism, diversity, and reform. Two central questions frame the text: “Do I want to be a teacher?” and “What kind of teacher do I want to become?”. The fourth edition has been revised to provide you with a more engaging experience as you consider if you want to be a teacher and what kind of teacher you want to become. Captivating classroom-based cases and interactive features will help you reflect on your responses to topics such as the implications of increasingly diverse classrooms, the assessment and standards-driven educational climate, and more. A revoluationary new online component, MyEducationLab, provides you with interactive self-assessments and video-based activities.

To order this book WITHOUT MyEducationLab use this ISBN: 9780137012329.

To order this book WITH MyEducationLab use this ISBN: 9780131381278.

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