Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional image




Edition: First Edition
Released: Jan 01, 2001
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
Format: Paperback, 512 pages


This book introduces new teachers to their chosen field and attempts to present an honest look at the real world of students, teachers, classrooms, and schools. Each chapter begins with a case study that helps the reader understand how chapter topics relate to the real world of teaching. In addition, each concept and discussion is framed within a case, so throughout the book readers are applying concepts to real situations that teachers face everyday. Chapter topics cover learner diversity in today's students, changes in American society and their influences on today's schools, the history of education in the United States, educational philosophy, the organization of American schools, regulating and funding schools, ethical and legal influences on teaching, the school curriculum, instruction in American classrooms, technology in American schools, and joining the profession. For beginning teachers.

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