Essentials of Business Law

Essentials of Business Law image




Author(s): Liuzzo, Anthony
Edition: 8
Released: Jan 09, 2012
Format: Paperback, 718 pages
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The new, eight edition of the Essentials of Business Law program is a practical, concise, and broad-based introduction to the vibrant field of business law. While continuing to offer all of the features that have made the seven prior editions successful, this new edition now includes, a four-color design, updated content, two new appendices, and enhanced support materials. Both the traditional areas of law, such as contracts and property, and the emerging areas of law, such as e-commerce and environmental, are covered in short, informative chapters written to capture the essence of each topic. This book has been developed for those seeking a more fundamental overview of the concepts and principles that are vital to the understanding of business law.

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