Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise

Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise image




Edition: 3
Released: Jan 14, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 704 pages


For business, engineering, and science students and professionals who demand a comprehensive guide to high-growth entrepreneurship, Technology Ventures is the leading resource for analyzing opportunities and building new enterprises. Drawing on the latest academic research and practitioner insights, Technology Ventures integrates clear theoretical frameworks with action-oriented examples and exercises. Its broad perspective on "technology," including clean tech, information technology and the life sciences, ensures wide-ranging appeal to anyone with an interest in high-potential ventures.

    The extensive features in this edition include:

  • Expanded attention to "clean tech" startups in the energy and environment sectors
  • Special coverage of university technology commercialization, open source innovation, and social entrepreneurship
  • Eight cases, including two from the well-known Harvard Business School archive
  • A "venture challenge" business plan exercise at the end of each chapter
  • Extensive web-based resources, including sample presentations, more cases and business plans, and numerous videos of entrepreneurs and other thought leaders

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780073380186

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