Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Standard Edition
"Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF)" was originally written with one strongly held principle in mind - Corporate Finance should be developed in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas. RWJ took a hard look at what was truly important and useful; in doing so, they eliminated topics of dubious relevance, downplayed purely theoretical issues, and minimized the use of extensive and elaborate calculations to illustrate points that are either intuitively obvious or of limited practical use. As a result of this process, three basic themes became the central focus of FCF: An Emphasis on Intuition, A Unified Valuation Approach, and A Managerial Focus. This new edition pays special attention to the entire teaching and learning package, and refining the features and supplements that has made this book so popular. We have focused additional time and resources to the technology elements of the package - MHLA, website, self-study software, and instructor's CD-ROM - while maintaining our traditional print product to meet the needs of virtually every instructor and classroom.
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