Essential Study Partner CD-ROM tyvek version t/a Biology

Essential Study Partner CD-ROM tyvek version t/a Biology image




Author(s): Mader, Sylvia S.
Edition: 7
Released: Mar 06, 2000
Format: CD-ROM, 0 pages
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How do you make a great text even better? By creating new art and photographs and enhancing the multimedia and supplements package.The new seventh edition of Biology by best-selling author/expert Sylvia Mader, has integrated outstanding new elements giving it a quality unmatched by any other biology text. With its complete, comprehensive coverage of core biology concepts, students at all levels will benefit from its use.For more than 20 years Dr. Mader has successfully helped students learn the structure and function of the human body. A brilliant and prolific writer, Dr. Mader was a respected and well-loved biology instructor before she began her writing career. Her descriptive writing style, carefully constructed pedagogy, and accent on key terms and concepts provides students with a firm grasp on how their bodies function. In her twenty-year career with McGraw-Hill, she has written an impressive collection of textbooks including Inquiry into Life, tenth edition, Human Biology, seventh edition, and Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology, third edition. Throughout the years, her goal remains the same-"to give students what they need to best understand biology."This text is color customizable so you can create a text that fits your course perfectly.

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