One Small Step can Change Your Life : The Kaizen Way [Paperback] [Jul 15, 2015] Robert Maurer

One Small Step can Change Your Life : The Kaizen Way [Paperback] [Jul 15, 2015] Robert Maurer image




Author(s): Robert Maurer
Edition: First Edition
Released: May 01, 2015
Format: Paperback, 178 pages


The essential guide to Kaizen - The art of making great and lasting change through small, steady steps - is now repackaged as an impulse paperback with a dazzling new cover that speaks to its proper positioning as a self help / inspiration title thats applicable to business as well. Written by Dr. Robert Maurer, a psychologist on the staff of both the University of Washington School of Medicine and Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center and an expert on Kaizen who speaks and consults nationally, One Small Step can Change Your Life is the gentle but potent way to effect change. It is for anyone who wants to lose weight. Or quit smoking. Or write a novel, start an exercise program, get out of debt or conquer shyness and meet new people.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9788183225892

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