The Good Shit

The Good Shit image




Author(s): Sinett, Todd
Edition: 1
Released: Oct 20, 2020
Publisher: East End Press
Format: Hardcover, 216 pages


The Good Sh*t will teach you about the digestive system and how your body talks. You will learn how to wade through all the diet bullsh*t that hasn't worked for you and never will. You will learn how to figure out which foods are affecting your output and how to best create a nutrition plan that works for you and the way your body functions. You will learn what a good sh*t is, what it should look like, and how to have them regularly, so that you can start looking and feeling better. This book is a path to self-discovery that will open your eyes to specific foods that you digest and excrete well, as well as others that you will should be staying away from -- even if they have been described as a supposed "superfood". By looking at your output, The Good Sh*t will help you understand the best things to input. Ultimately, this is a book about how to have really great sh*ts.

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