Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook: Official Holiday Recipes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away (Star Wars Holiday Cookbook, Star Wars Christmas Gift)

Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook: Official Holiday Recipes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away (Star Wars Holiday Cookbook, Star Wars Christmas Gift) image




Released: Nov 09, 2021
Publisher: Insight Editions
Format: Hardcover, 128 pages


Celebrate every Wookiee's favorite holiday--Life Day--with this collection of 50 recipes and crafts inspired by the galaxy's holiday traditions!

In this follow-up to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook, the acclaimed chef Strono "Cookie" Tuggs returns to bring you authentic Life Day recipes from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Guaranteed to help you spread Life Day's message of fellowship and love, this cookbook will be a scrumptious and festive mainstay in your kitchen!

CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS WITH STAR WARS: Whether your family is celebrating Life Day at the Tree of Life, or in the comfort of your home, this Life Day cookbook will be the most scrumptious and festive addition to your Star Wars library! 

GREAT FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS: This cookbook will teach chefs of any skill level to prepare delicious appetizers, main courses, beverages, and desserts from planets such as Kashyyyk, Endor, Mon Cala, Alderaan, and beyond.

50 HOLIDAY RECIPES AND CLEVER CRAFTS: Dozens of mouthwatering recipes, including Bantha Surprise, Wroshyr Bramble, Jelly Life Day Orbs, and Mudhorn Eggnog. Cookie will also show you how to create family-friendly crafts, from your very own Life Day Orbs to Wookiee Robes, that will help you celebrate Life Day, even if you're not on Kashyyyk!

BUILD YOUR STAR WARS COLLECTION: This holiday cookbook stands alongside fan-favorite Star Wars books including Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook, Star Wars: Galactic Baking, and Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781647224776

Frequently Asked Questions about Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook: Official Holiday Recipes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away (Star Wars Holiday Cookbook, Star Wars Christmas Gift)

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The price for the book starts from $5.57 on Amazon and is available from 93 sellers at the moment.

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As for the Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook: Official Holiday Recipes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away (Star Wars Holiday Cookbook, Star Wars Christmas Gift) book, the best buyback offer comes from and is $ for the book in good condition.

The Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook: Official Holiday Recipes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away (Star Wars Holiday Cookbook, Star Wars Christmas Gift) book is in average demand now as the rank for the book is 26,043 at the moment. It's an average rank, and the book has a moderate amount of sales on Amazon. At the same time, a book which is 5 years old, and still in the top 50k most of the time - that’s a book doing really well.

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