The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary

The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary image




Edition: 2
Released: Jul 31, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 462 pages



•More than 1,900 Sign Illustrations Including 327 New Signs
•Plus DVD Showing How to Form Signs
•Arranged by Handshape for Easy Identification
•Complete Index of English Vocabulary for All Signs
•An Introduction to Deaf Culture and ASL Structure

The first reference source that allows users to access ASL signs without previous knowledge of their English equivalents (far superior to those in most other English-ASL glossaries). Likely to become indispensable on many educators’ and students’ bookshelves.—CHOICE

Now, the bestselling resource The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary has been completely revised with more than 320 new signs and a new DVD. This unique reference can help users locate a sign whose meaning they have forgotten, or help them find the meaning of a new sign they have just seen for the first time. It organizes more than 1,900 ASL signs by 40 basic handshapes and includes detailed descriptions on how to form these signs to represent the different English words that they might mean. ASL students can begin to track down a sign by determining whether it is formed with one hand or two. Further distinctions of handshape, palm orientation, location, movement, and other nonmanual body signals help them pinpoint their search while also refining their grasp of ASL syntax and grammar. A complete English word index provides the option of referring to an alphabetical listing of English terms to locate an equivalent sign or choice of signs.

The new DVD shows how each sign is formed from beginning to end. Users can watch a sign at various speeds to learn precisely how to master it themselves. Together, the new edition of The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary and its accompanying DVD presents students, sign language teachers, and deaf and hearing people alike with the perfect combination for enhancing communication skills in both ASL and English.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781563684449

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