BUNDLE: Creswell: Research Design 3e + Maxwell: Qualitative Research Design 3e + Stringer: Action Research 3e

BUNDLE: Creswell: Research Design 3e + Maxwell: Qualitative Research Design 3e + Stringer: Action Research 3e image




Edition: 1
Released: May 06, 2013
Format: Paperback, 0 pages


The Third Edition of the bestselling text, Research Design, by John W. Creswell enables readers to compare three approaches to research—qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods—in a single research methods text. Joseph A. Maxwell’s Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, Third Edition provides researchers and students with a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. In the Third Edition of Action Research, author Ernest T. Stringer provides a series of tools that assist the researcher in working through the research process.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781452257167

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