King Lear: No Fear Shakespeare Deluxe Student Edition (Volume 3)

King Lear: No Fear Shakespeare Deluxe Student Edition (Volume 3) image




Author(s): SparkNotes
Edition: Deluxe
Released: Oct 06, 2020
Publisher: SparkNotes
Format: Paperback, 400 pages


Shakespeare everyone can understand—now in new DELUXE editions!\nWhy fear Shakespeare? By placing the words of the original play next to line-by-line translations in plain English, these popular guides make Shakespeare accessible to everyone. They introduce Shakespeare’s world, significant plot points, and the key players. And now they feature expanded literature guide sections that help students study smarter, along with links to bonus content on the website. A Q&A, guided analysis of significant literary devices, and review of the play give students all the tools necessary for understanding, discussing, and writing about King Lear.\nThe expanded content includes:
Five Key Questions: Five frequently asked questions about major moments and characters in the play.\nWhat Does the Ending Mean?: Is the ending sad, celebratory, ironic . . . or ambivalent?\nPlot Analysis: What is the play about? How is the story told, and what are the main themes? Why do the characters behave as they do?\nStudy Questions: Questions that guide students as they study for a test or write a paper.\nQuotes by Theme: Quotes organized by Shakespeare’s main themes, such as love, death, tyranny, honor, and fate.\nQuotes by Character: Quotes organized by the play’s main characters, along with interpretations of their meaning.

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