Hamlet: No Fear Shakespeare Deluxe Student Edition (Volume 26)

Hamlet: No Fear Shakespeare Deluxe Student Edition (Volume 26) image




Author(s): SparkNotes
Edition: Deluxe
Released: Jun 23, 2020
Publisher: SparkNotes
Format: Paperback, 432 pages


Shakespeare everyone can understand—now in this new EXPANDED edition of HAMLET!\nWhy fear Shakespeare? By placing the words of the original play next to line-by-line translations in plain English, this popular guide makes Shakespeare accessible to everyone. And now it features expanded literature guide sections that help students study smarter.\nThe expanded sections include:\nFive Key Questions: Five frequently asked questions about major moments and characters in the play.\nWhat Does the Ending Mean?: Is the ending sad, celebratory, ironic . . . or ambivalent?\nPlot Analysis: What is the play about? How is the story told, and what are the main themes? Why do the characters behave as they do?\nStudy Questions: Questions that guide students as they study for a test or write a paper.\nQuotes by Theme: Quotes organized by Shakespeare’s main themes, such as love, death, tyranny, honor, and fate.\nQuotes by Character: Quotes organized by the play’s main characters, along with interpretations of their meaning.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781411479647

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