Robinson Crusoe (Union Square Kids Unabridged Classics)

Robinson Crusoe (Union Square Kids Unabridged Classics) image




Author(s): DEFOE, DANIEL
Edition: 1
Released: Sep 06, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 288 pages


Nearly four centuries after it was written, Robinson Crusoe remains the quintessential story of a man shipwrecked and forced to rely on his own wits. Against his parents' wishes, Crusoe sets off for adventure on the high seas-until a storm leaves him stranded on a seemingly deserted island. There, alone and despairing, he gradually learns to survive off the land and create what he needs; he even finds human companionship. But will Crusoe ever see his home again? One of the most popular books of all time, Robinson Crusoe will appeal to a new generation of readers.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781402784064

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