Contacts: Langue et culture françaises (World Languages)

Contacts: Langue et culture françaises (World Languages) image




Edition: 9
Released: Jan 01, 2013
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Format: Hardcover, 608 pages


One of the most popular and trusted introductory French programs available, CONTACTS: LANGUE ET CULTURE FRANÇAISES is renowned for its superior grammar sequencing, four-skills presentation and practice, vocabulary control, and supportive pedagogy. More learner friendly than ever, the new ninth edition features an all-new design while maintaining hallmark strengths like logical progression and clear organization, which have successfully served more than half a million CONTACTS users. The program reflects the realities of the contemporary French and Francophone worlds while effectively preparing readers for work, study, and travel abroad with its practical illustrations and activities.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9781133309581

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