Track & Field Omnibook

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Edition: Revised, Updated
Released: Nov 15, 2017
Publisher: Tafnews Press
Format: Paperback, 428 pages


Track & Field Omnibook is a complete guide to track & field technique and training in one volume, along with the best-ever discussion on how to be an effective and humane coach. Ken Doherty, a member of the Track & Field Hall of Fame, coached at Michigan and Penn and was a longtime director of the Penn Relays. He wrote the first Omnibook in the early 70's, and three subsequent revised editions appeared through 1985. This edition, edited and updated by Dr. John Kernan, keeps Omnibook's position as the best and most comprehensive textbook in the field and a reference source that is invaluable to veteran and beginning coaches alike.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780911521740

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