Steel Structures: Design and Behavior : Emphasizing Load and Resistance Factor Design

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Edition: Subsequent
Released: Jan 01, 1997
Format: Hardcover, 1024 pages


PLEASE PROVIDE COURSE INFORMATIONThe design of structural steel members has developed over the past century from a simple approach involving a few basic properties of steel and elementary mathematics to a more sophisticated treatment demanding a thorough knowledge of structural and material behavior. The fourth edition of this best-selling work reflects the latest changes occurring in the design requirements for structural steel using the 1993 AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design and the 1989 AISC Allowable Stress Design Specifications. Although emphasis throughout the text is on an explanation of the LRFD approach involving "limit states" and factored loads, the ASD formulations are developed from the strength-related concepts of LRFD for the major topics (such as tension members, axially loaded columns, beams, and composite construction). Noted for its logical and thorough presentation of the theoretical background needed for developing and explaining design requirements, Steel Structures uses a generous number of numerical design examples to demonstrate the process of selecting minimum weight members to satisfy given conditions. Considerable attention has been paid to presenting for the beginning student the necessary elastic and inelastic stability concepts, the understanding of which is essential to properly apply steel design rules.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780673997869

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