The Practical Geologist: The Introductory Guide to the Basics of Geology and to Collecting and Identifying Rocks

The Practical Geologist: The Introductory Guide to the Basics of Geology and to Collecting and Identifying Rocks image




Author(s): Dixon, Dougal
Edition: 33180th
Released: Aug 15, 1992
Publisher: Touchstone
Format: Paperback, 160 pages
Related ISBN: 9780671746988


From exploring the basic principles of geology to starting a rock and mineral collection, The Practical Geologist is the perfect introduction to the world of earth science.
Beginning with a history of the earth's formation and development, this book explores the substances that compose the planet, movements within the earth, the surface effects of weather and water, and underground landscapes.
It shows you how to search for, identify, and extract samples of various rocks and minerals, and for each rock and mineral type there is a brief mineralogy and explanation of its locations. There are also sections on mapping, preparing, and curating specimens, and geological sites on the six continents.
Packed with more than 200 full-color illustrations, this comprehensive guide is the essential practical companion for natural science enthusiasts everywhere.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780671746971

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