Essential Psychopharmacology on CD-ROM: Neuroscientific Basis and Clinical Applications (Essential Psychopharmacology Series)

Essential Psychopharmacology on CD-ROM: Neuroscientific Basis and Clinical Applications (Essential Psychopharmacology Series) image




Released: Nov 28, 1998
Format: CD-ROM, 378 pages


'Imaginative and visually appealing'(TINS), Essential Psychopharmacology, now on CD-ROM, provides a dynamic explanation of the neurobiological concepts underlying the drug treatment of psychiatric disorders, with particular emphasis on the principles of chemical neurotransmission. Based on the highly praised textbook by Stephen M. Stahl, this CD-ROM runs on both Apple Macintosh and Windows, and provides a clear and accessible introduction for the first time student. For the physician or scientist with prior background in the field, it offers a quick review of the key dimensions of psychopharmacology and the drug treatment of mental illness, with a wealth of high-quality colour graphics, animations and voiceovers. A striking and versatile resource, this CD-ROM is an invaluable learning aid for neurobiology students, scientists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780521628921

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