Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (International Computer Science Series)

Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (International Computer Science Series) image




Edition: 2nd
Released: Jan 01, 1998
Format: Paperback, 848 pages


An Accessible, Up-to-Date Introduction to Database Systems Database Systems, Second Edition provides a strong foundation in good design practice. Using an accessible, step-by-step approach, students will master a database methodology. Then, the authors apply this methodology to worked examples so students learn to design and build applications using a leading commercial database system. Also, a central, realistic case study is integrated throughout the text to provide an understanding of the issues involved. This new edition will build on the clear, accessible presentation of the successful first edition. New to the Second Edition

Includes additional and simplified examples.
Features new material on distributed databases including interactions with web-based data. Contains new material on object-oriented databases that covers the latest ODBM standards. Illustrates concepts with screen shots from Access(tm). Offers new coverage of query processing and optimization, data mining, data warehouses, multimedia databases, and the Internet.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780201342871

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