Entreprenuership: Successfully Launching New Ventures

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Released: Apr 05, 2005
Format: Hardcover, 504 pages


This lively book, containing many real-life examples, makes a thoughtful, practical guide to the process of launching new ventures. It begins by introducing a model of the entrepreneurial process, and follows the model throughout the book. Emphasis is placed on the beginnings of the entrepreneurial process – particularly opportunity recognition and feasibility analysis. A four part organization makes the journey toward understanding the entrepreneur process both enjoyable and productive. The four parts, which collectively contain 15 chapters, are: The Decision to Become an Entrepreneur, Developing Successful Business Ideas, Moving From an Idea to an Entrepreneurial Firm, and Managing and Growing an Entrepreneurial Firm. For venture capitalists, investor groups, or business incubators (for-profit and not-for-profit) to distribute to their client companies; and of particular help to technology companies.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780131695696

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