Sociology: Student Media Version

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Author(s): John J. MacIonis
Edition: 7th
Released: Oct 09, 1998
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
Format: Hardcover, 700 pages


This is the first complete multi-media package in sociology — a carefully coordinated combination book, CD-ROM, and Web site. Authoritative, comprehensive, and stimulating, it offers a fresh and contemporary perspective — with a focus on the major methods, theories, and findings of the field. It emphasizes a global perspective, a multicultural view, and a focus on critical thinking, and features an abundance of boxed features highlighting and personalizing contemporary applications. Covers: The Sociological Perspective; Sociological Investigations; Culture; Society; Socialization; Social Interaction in Everyday Life; Groups and Organizations; Deviance; Social Stratification; Social Class in the United States; Global Stratification; Sex and Gender; Race and Ethnicity; Aging and the Elderly; The Economy and Work; Politics and Government; Family; Religion; Education; Health and Medicine; Population and Urbanization; Environment and Society; Collective Behavior and

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780130953919

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