Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition)

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Edition: 2
Released: Jan 01, 2001
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
Format: Hardcover, 944 pages


This book now offers an integrated program that contains videos, supplements, and multimedia courseware that includes a Companion Website and MathPro Explorer 4.0, where readers can address the variety of styles and backgrounds found in the field of algebra. Emphasizes problem-solving, critical thinking and compelling applications, in a way that readers will find easy to understand. Incorporates many of the features that make the Martin-Gay series so successful—including its accessible writing style and user-friendly accents to the book. KEY This book will appeal to readers who have mastered arithmetic concepts and need a review of, or introduction to, specific algebra topics.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780130166364

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