Connect 2-semester Access Card for Intermediate Accounting

Connect 2-semester Access Card for Intermediate Accounting image




Author(s): Spiceland
Edition: 7th
Format: Hardcover


  • McGraw-Hill’s Connect includes all the quick studies, exercises, and problems from each chapter in a web-based homework administration environment and allows instructors to design their own quizzes, homework assignments, and practice problem sets. Connect also provides automatic grading and feedback to both students and instructors.
  • The algorithmic mode of Connect presents students with unique data for each exercise and each attempt, providing with solutions. Consequently, students can work the same problem structure with different number sets until they master the task. Immediate scoring and feedback option help guide and optimize student learning.
  • Cutting-edge adaptive study tool Learnsmart, and narrated and animated Guided Examples are just a click away, and developed to help students master the intermediate accounting course and study more efficiently.
  • Beyond the Connect features mentioned above, Connect includes access to an integrated, online version of the text.

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