Biology - Standalone book

Biology - Standalone book image




Edition: 3
Released: Jan 10, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 1424 pages


NOTE : This book is standalone book and will not include access code.

The first and second editions of BIOLOGY, written by Dr. Rob Brooker, Dr. Eric Widmaier, Dr. Linda Graham, and Dr. Peter Stiling, has reached thousands of students and provided them with an outstanding view of the biological world. Now, the third edition has gotten even better! The author team is dedicated to producing the most engaging and current text that is available for undergraduate students who are majoring in biology. The authors want students to be inspired by the field of biology and become critical thinkers. They understand the goal of a professor is to prepare students for future course work, lab experiences, and careers in the sciences. Building on the successes of the first and second editions, the third edition reflects a focus on core competencies and provides a more learner-centered approach. The strength of an engaging and current text is improved with the addition of new pedagogical features that direct the students’ learning goals and provide opportunities for assessment, to determine if students understand the concepts.

Best prices to buy, sell, or rent ISBN 9780073532240

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