Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by BookScouter

The past couple of weeks have started the winter buyback season for textbooks.

There are three main spikes in the year for buying back textbooks. First, the entire month of May as the Spring semester ends for most students. It actually starts the last week of April and goes through the first week of June.

The next, smaller peak occurs as the summer semester ends and fall begins. It lasts from about the last week of July, the entire month of August, and the first couple weeks of September.

Finally, the last peak of the largest, and longest peak of the year occurs as fall semester ends. It starts the day after Thanksgiving, and hits the largest peak the second week of December when many schools have their finals. It takes a big dip the week of Christmas, picks back up after New Years, and stays strong throughout most the month of January.

These peaks match up pretty nicely to the excellent article on Extrabux regarding the best time to buy and sell your textbooks.