You’ve definitely encountered phrases like “Instructor Edition Textbooks” or “Teacher’s Edition Textbooks” when hunting for affordable books for college. Let’s figure out what this whole thing is about and answer the most pressing questions: are these kinds of faculty textbooks the same? Is selling instructor edition textbooks illegal? Do instructor edition textbooks have content identical to student editions ?
Textbooks come in many kinds and sizes! We’re used to hardcover and softcover (paperback) books from our childhood, and now eBooks are becoming more and more popular, also at colleges. What about loose leaf textbooks, or so-called binder-ready editions? They’re not as common but still used from time to time, and there are rumors that these textbooks are cheaper. What’s the deal with loose leaf textbooks? Let’s explore all the ins and outs together.
It is crucial to know what to do with old books if you want to keep up with sustainable living and declutter regularly. Actually, this problem pertains not only to books and old magazines but also all kinds of your possessions. While it’s common knowledge that we can sell or give away our clothing or furniture on Craigslist and eBay, how should you dispose of the old books?
Best literary Awards help us navigate in the endless sea of written words. Having some knowledge about the most prestigious book awards is an asset for any bookworm and literature enthusiast. Your reading list will always be full of pieces worth reading, and any conversation with you can be lightened up by your knowledge of the contemporary literary scene. Discover below six of the prestigious literary awards that we are looking forward to in 2021!
Should you own physical books or at least some hard copies of your favorite novels? Or is it more sensible to sell used books and switch to ebooks? There is no right or wrong here, and this guide will help you review available options. You will learn about possible “use case” scenarios for various types of physical books — from coffee table volumes to expensive college textbooks. It is up to you to decide which option makes the most sense for you!
Whether you’re a bookworm or not, you are undoubtedly familiar with the smell of old books. If nothing comes to your mind, just imagine entering a library or a store selling used books, and you will immediately remember this sweet scent of vanilla with barely discernible bitterness of freshly grounded coffee. Some people might find this smell nauseating, but even a more significant number of readers are literally addicted to it. Ever wondered why do old books smell? Here is a scientific answer to this mystery of “smelling books” addiction!