Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by BookScouter
We are thrilled to announce that BookScouter is now offering an entrepreneurship accelerator program!
What is the entrepreneurship accelerator program?
Glad you asked!
This is a project-based learning program where we bring in people to pitch and ultimately implement their growth ideas specific for BookScouter.
That simple!
Are you interested in participating in an entrepreneurship accelerator program with BookScouter?
Virtually raise your hand by submitting THIS QUICK SURVEY if you are interested in this accelerator opportunity!
Once the current round has ended, we will reach out with information regarding how you can share your pitch with us and win!
What’s in it for you?
The winner(s) will have the opportunity to implement their idea with a budget at BookScouter. Of course, the winner(s) will also receive an hourly financial compensation for their time implementing their concept with us!
How cool is that?!
We cannot wait to hear all your ideas!