Chegg is so much more than a preferred vendor on BookScouter. Chegg offers great prices on buying, renting, and textbook buyback, and it also offers numerous resources for succeeding in college. Learn how you can succeed in college and keep money in your pocket.
We’re always looking for new ways to make BookScouter faster. We’re releasing bluetooth scanner capabilities for the app to make your price search process faster than ever.
We have several tools on BookScouter to help you find the cheapest books to buy. Sometimes it makes sense to rent the book. Check out this Campus Book Rentals Coupon to keep money in your pockets!
Book publishing is a massive industry. How many new books does your country publish every year? Look here to see the top ten countries for new publications.
Beatrix Potter created some of the most beloved characters in children’s literature. Since today is her 150th birthday, we’ll celebrate her achievements in children’s literature, mycology, and conservation.
How do you know when to sell your book? We’ve published articles about good times to sell your books, but we’ve created a feature to help you get the most money for your textbooks. See our historic buyback pricing tool to see the past sales of your books.