Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by BookScouter
Take the survey
I’ve had the chance to introduce some significant new features to BookScouter recently and am pretty happy with how things are working. Now I need to figure out what the next step is 🙂 With so many BookScouter users, I want to make sure that we are working on features that will be useful to people so that BookScouter will continue to be the most comprehensive, accurate, and easy to use tool for comparing prices on selling used books.
We’ve put together a short survey that I’m hoping will help us learn and quantify how and why people use the website. We’re interested in learning a bit about your book-selling ventures and what other tools you are using that we might be able to integrate with.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Most users should be able to finish it in about five minutes. We’ll send you a free t-shirt for your time, and you’ll be helping to make sure that has the best tools for you to use.